

My specialisms include React, Next.js, Vue.js, Nuxt and Angular, with which I have successfully implemented numerous projects. These technologies are particularly close to my heart and I endeavour to continue working mainly with them in future projects.

In addition to my preference for JavaScript-based development, I also have extensive knowledge in the development of WordPress themes and plugins as well as experience with WooCommerce and PHP. My professional career has been grounded by a distance learning programme in web design at ILS, which I completed with an excellent grade of 1.1. Since 2009, I have held various positions at RA-MICRO Software AG, where I was able to acquire a wide range of skills. Many of these skills are specific to my professional projects and therefore not directly demonstrable. However, if you are interested in my private projects, I am available to show them to you upon request.

In 2022, I had the honour of leading a course for Ukrainian war refugees, teaching HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React. This experience was not only enriching, but also showed me how important and fulfilling it is to share my knowledge and skills to help others in difficult times.

In my spare time, I am a keen boater, passionate vegan and actively involved in animal welfare. I communicate fluently in German, Ukrainian and Russian and have a basic knowledge of English.

I prefer an informal tone and think it's great if we are on first-name terms. I always enjoy making new contacts, so don't be afraid to get in touch with me!
